# Description
Participants use digital audio technology to create original content around a pre-determined technology theme. Podcasting encourages good storytelling, voice acting, and folly sound effects to create a coherent creative work.
# Theme
Preparing to compete in a TSA event and/or preparing for your first TSA conference
Careers Associated
Audio designer or engineer
Audio operator or technician
Broadcast technician
Music composer
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Three (3)teams per chapter.
# State Competition Information
All components of the chapter's entry must be finished, submitted, and accessible via the internet by March 14, 2025.
Upload URL to the audio file and the multi-page PDF here
Students will need their participant ID number and password from their advisor. Only the team captain will be able to upload the file.
# Coordinators
The individuals listed below is familiar with the event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.
Leah Dollar
Event Coordinator
Stephen O'Neal
Event Manager