# Description
Participants develop, build, and package a board game that focuses on the subject of their choice. The game should be interesting, exciting, visually appealing, and intellectually challenging. Each team designs the packaging, instructions, pieces, and/or cards associated with creating and piloting a new board game. Semifinalists set up the game, demonstrate how the game is played, explain the game’s features, and discuss the design process.
# Careers Associated
Product/Packaging Designer
Board Game Designer
Electronic Game Designer
Electronic Game Technician
Technical Writer
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Entries are limited to two teams per chapter
# State Competition Info
Judges will evaluate the entries based on a tier system. The student's Board Game Box will be judged first. Only the top 15 Games will have their portfolio and game judged and the top 12 will be interviewed for the semi-finalist portion.
# Coordinators
The individual listed below is familiar with the event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.
David Swift
Event Coordinator
Valerie McCauley
Event Manager