# Description
Participants use digital video technology to create original content about a pre-determined technology theme. Semifinalists compete in an onsite challenge to produce additional video(s) based on specified criteria, such as provided props, lines of dialog, and topics.
# Theme
Topic: Setting and achieving goals; the minimum number of audio pieces is four (4).
Careers associated
Audio/video operator or technician
Film/video editor
Screen editor
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Entries are limited to two teams of 2-6 members
# State Competition Information
All components of the chapter's entry, including the website address (URL) must be finished, submitted, and accessible via the internet by March 14, 2025.
Upload the document portfolio and video here
Students will need their participant ID number and password from their advisor. Only the team captain will be able to upload the file.
# Coordinators
The individuals listed below are familiar with the event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.
Stephen O'Neal
Event Manager